5 Easy Weight Loss Tips (#2 is a MUST!)

I know how confusing approaching weight loss can be. There is SO much information out there, and the more information we consume, the more complicated it seems to get! I’m going to share with you 5 easy weight loss tips that you can implement RIGHT NOW to get you on the fast track to reaching your goal weight once and for all.Not only will you start noticing a reduction in body fat, but you’ll have more energy and feel more satiated. Your hair, skin and nails will also likely start looking and feeling more amazing too :)These weight loss tips are meant to work in conjunction with one another, so for best results, I suggest committing to all five - BUT feel free to start with one and incorporate more as you go about your weight loss journey.

5 Easy Weight Loss Tips

Easy Weight Loss Tip 1: Start to view your foods as different sources of macronutrients

You might be wondering… what are macronutrients? Macronutrients are vital nutrients that provide our bodies with energy. The three main macronutrient categories are protein, carbohydrates and fat. I want you to begin to categorize certain foods as either mostly a protein, carbohydrate or fat source. Protein is essential for muscle repair and regrowth. It also helps keeps you satiated and keeps energy levels high.Examples: chicken, turkey, eggs/egg whites, protein powder, lean meats etc.Carbohydrates are (one of) our body's fuel sources (the other source is fat). Not all carbs are created equal, some starches are classified as starchy and others are non starchy. Examples: All fruits & veggies (non starchy). Brown rice, oats, quinoa, root vegetables, sweet potatoes & other forms of whole grains (starchy).Carbohydrates are also classified into two categories known as "simple" and "complex". The examples I listed above are complex carbohydrates meaning that they do not cause a drastic spike in insulin (or blood sugar). Simple carbohydrates include soda, sugar, candies, white breads and cereals. Simple carbohydrates are not the best sources of carbohydrates to use when you are trying to cut fat as they are pretty much just empty calories and also cause an increase in insulin levels.Fat is SO important for satiety, hormone production and energy! Don't fear the healthy fat!!! Examples: Nuts, seeds, nut butters, olive/flax/coconut oil, avocado.

Easy Weight Loss Tip 2: Combine all three macronutrient sources at every meal and snack (EXCEPT: POST WORKOUT!)

By combining all THREE sources of macronutrients at each meal and snack, you will feel satiated, energetic and you will be turning your body into fat burning mode. AGAIN- Don’t fear the healthy fat!!!Quick note: The only time you want to avoid fat is post workout. Fat slows down your digestion and when you have a recovery meal post workout, you want to aim for carbs and protein :)

Easy Weight Loss Tip 3: Treat yo’self (responsibly)

Look, depriving yourself of what you love is NO way to live, even during fat loss. Of course some foods are healthier and more nutrient dense for us than others, but you shouldn’t restrict yourself from everything under the sun! If you are trying to lose fat (which I assume you are since you are reading this article)... stay sane with 1-2 treat items per week. Examples of treats: glass of wine, cupcake, piece of pizza, croissant etc. Enjoy it, and move on! :) Note - if you have more therapeutic goals you are after (i.e. blood sugar balancing, hormone balancing) you may need to avoid the treats all together for a period of time. For more information - book a free consultation with me here!.

Easy Weight Loss Tip 4: Hydrate, hydrate hydrate!!

I know you’ve heard this before but IT IS SO IMPORTANT. Ok I’ve got to be real with you. I used to be one of those people who drank lots of “diet”, 0 calorie drinks, lots of coffee and barely any water. When I dumped the diet drinks, cut back (a little) on coffee and drank more water-- I felt better, more satiated, my digestion improved, my skin cleared--- water is so simple but so amazing!Wondering how much to drink? Aim for ½ your body weight in oz of water every day. On days you workout  aim for 1 oz per lb of bodyweight.

Easy Weight Loss Tip 5: Stop when you are 80% full.

Chances are if you have been "dieting" for a while, you are not 100% in sync with your internal hunger cues. Practicing mindfulness and paying attention to your sense of satiety when you are eating is SO important!  Eat slowly, and stop when you are about 80% full. Be kind to yourself.. as I mentioned, if you have been dieting for a while your hunger cues might be off and it will take some time to re-establish your internal cues. Sometimes you might overdo it, sometimes you may find yourself still hungry.. but the more you tune in,  the better you will get!weight loss tips Remember that achieving your weight loss goals is a marathon not a race. For best results, I recommend using all five of these weight loss tips, however it is worth saying that everyone is bio individual and needs a little something different :) If you want help creating a plan specific to your body and goals - then get in touch with me here!


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