Million Dollar Weight Loss Mindset
This is one of my favorite weight loss tips.
I dropped this weight loss mindset code in for my clients and I feel called to share it here..
A lot of times in your body transformation journey you may feel STUCK .. unsure of what to do or not wanting to do anything at all
Clients ask me all the time "how do I work through this feeling?"
A really beautiful way to "see through" the stuckness is by using something I call "Million Dollar Mindset"
Million Dollar Mindset is when you ask yourself the question "What would I do if I knew for sure someone would pay me $1M to achieve this goal?" (If money doesn't motivate you you can insert your motivation of choice)
Looking at it from this vantage point can help clear up some of the resistance you feel and remind you of your power...
Sometimes the answer actually is NOT to dig deep and try to "figure out the resistance" but rather realize we can actualize our power and ascend above it... and through the ascension and the work comes the release.