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5 Tips to Stay on Track for Thanksgiving
For the most part, Thanksgiving is a fun time that often involves travel, family and yummy food. It can also be a time of stress for a lot of people for those same reasons.When you have fitness/physique goals you're after-- Thanksgiving can certainly feel like a tough time to stay on track. Don't worry.. I've got you covered with these 5 SIMPLE tips you follow to help you stay on track.
7 Common Mistakes People Make On A Fat Loss Plan
Fat loss is no easy feat, but make sure you aren't making these (avoidable) mistakes!
Snack Ideas That Support Your Fitness Goals
Ahh.. snacks!! :) Who doesn't love to munch? I know that sometimes it’s hard to come up with healthy snack ideas.. so I wanted to share my go-to list with you.
[Infographic] Learn the best workouts for your fitness goals.
Knowing what workouts to do and how often can be daunting! Here are my recommendations for which workouts are best for your goal.